Worked on the App for the award-winning Closca Bottle: A sleek, elegant water bottle designed to change the way you find, carry and drink water.
As seen in the media:
Financial Times: “Why plastic is no longer fantastic”
El País: “Una botella contra las botellas de plástico”
Mashable: “The Closca app can help you locate the nearest water refilling spot”
Red Dot Design Award 2018: Closca Bottle + App
Valencia Plaza: “Closca Bottle: la revolución cultural para extinguir el consumo de plásticos diseñada en Valencia”
App description on the App Store:
Did you know that 80 billion bottles are cast adrift into our oceans and landfills? The equivalent to the weight of 800 Eiffel Towers, and enough to cover Manhattan 34 times over. Additionally, each bottle takes more than 400 years to decompose.
Closca Water APP is designed to help you locate the places closest to you where you can refill your water bottle, with the goal of encouraging the use of reusable bottles as opposed to plastic.
Locate on the map the closest source of free water to refill your bottle, rate the different water points around you and leave comments for the community.
If you find a new water spot, add it yourself and share your find with others. Businesses also have the chance to join the project by turning their location into a water refill station.
Download the App, and let’s create a network aimed at avoiding the deterioration of our planet – and our oceans.
We’re asking you to be part of something big because what you do matters, somewhere.
At CLOSCA, we leverage both innovation and design to help solve the great challenges of today by combining the right attitude with deep commitment, an understanding of value and a keen sense of beauty.